Friday, September 18, 2009

Making Pancakes at Home: Cut Back in Spending

We used to go out on Saturday morning to eat pancakes at IHOP. However, with the economy in the mess it is in, we are trying to cut back in spending and cutting corners where possible. A quick search of the Internet gave me a list of pancake recipes to try at home. The pancake recipes listed here are those that most appealed to me. I plan to try them soon.

Pancakes, drenched in syrup, sprinkled with powdered sugar, or served with jelly and jam, are delicious and comforting.

Since others are cutting back, too, I thought I would share the results of my search with you. Cooking homemade pancakes at home is one way we can save money, cut back in spending, and eat well, too.

If you really like them, you might post a note on the site where they are located to let the author know. Enjoy!

Blueberry Pancakes
Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Cinnamon Banana Pancakes
Good Old Fashioned Pancakes
Lemon Apricot Pancakes
Pumpkin Pancakes
Strawberry Pancakes
Wheat Griddle Cakes Recipe

Image courtesy of DodgertonSkillhause


  1. Ahhh. Thanks so much for adding my link for the cinnamon banana pancakes...I appreciate it very much.

  2. You are quite welcome. Pancakes are comfort food at its finest, and your recipe is great.
